Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Busy, busy, busy ...

Not for the first time, I'm apologising for a hiatus in my blogging due to being too busy: running around like a bunch on newly born lambs, as busy as bees impatient to get spring started and go out collecting food. 

We've had back-to-back volunteers and so got a lot of work done on the barn conversion and in our woodland. We're taking a proper day off (minus a couple of small but essential jobs) before holidaymakers arrive in our gite (with it's new roof) tomorrow and we return, once again, to the 'list of things to do'.

Upcoming blogs will include how we got all three hives safely through a long winter, our attempt as this year's permaculture 'must have': a hugelkultur bed, work in the barn, with hemp & lime and earth plastering, new doors and walls and ceilings going up, forest garden windbreak and making willow baskets and traps against the Asian hornet.