Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Days are Getting Longer

I love it when the evenings start to draw out: more daylight for busy smallholders. The 21st didn’t herald the end of the world (apparently never actually predicted by the Mayans ) but it was the winter solstice and, just 5 days later, I honestly do feel the evenings are slightly longer. It wasn’t the light that forced me in to the comfort of a warm wood stove and a cuppa this evening but that it’s blowing a hoolie outside. Appropriate, perhaps, as I was in our nascent forest garden preparing to plant a windbreak … but it was too windy!
For Christmas, I’ve bought Gabrielle a taster day at a horse driving school and as an extra surprise, I asked friend and local farmer Laurent, if he would take us out for a ride round the fields in an open carriage drawn by his lovely 3 year old filly called “Alouette”, a big, beautiful Breton cheval de trait.

“Another century”, Laurent shouted, as he drove Gabrielle, her daughter Christina and fiancé Bob past camera-holding me, so I’ve tinkered with the photo to give it a feel of days gone by. Not as convenient or efficient as our ageing Peugeot but what a delicious way of getting about.
As it’s the season for crap cracker jokes and inspired by being pulled around a field by a horse, here’s one of my favourite funnies:

the horse's arse
The Queen is riding in a horse drawn carriage, accompanied the King of Tonga. One of the horses farts loudly. Somewhat embarrassed, the Queen thought she should say something, so she turns towards the King of Tonga and says, “I’m terribly sorry,” to which the King replies, “You should not have worried, your majesty, I thought it was the horse”.