Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring is definitely in the air. Not only are the primroses popping out all over, we've had a flush of babies too. First off, Amandine (and Gerald) had a little boy, called Lubin (at right, with dad). Amandine is the granddaughter of our neighbour, the venerable Annick, thus making Annick a arrière grand mère (great grandmonther). Then friends Kay and Paddy had their second daughter, Florence. And Paul's and Christiane's eldest daughter Céline (and Antoine) have had their first child, Hermine. Thanks to Antoine for the photo of mum and daughter.

Hermine is a very Breton name as it is the heraldic flag of Brittany, representing the colours on the tail of the furry animal of the same name.

For our part, we’ve had two more lambs born since our last blog, making a total of three boys, all under a week old. Now just before you click on the video below to see one of the new chaps in action, I want to tell you about a little girl called Énna. She is the daughter of Solenn and Rémi (I met Rémi on a straw bale building site three years ago) and we recently travelled out to central Brittany to have lunch with them. When we last saw them, she was just a babe in arms (click here to see her being serenaded by the guitars of Nick and Tab) but she has grown into a bonny lass. Don’t be deceived by that charming smile though, she has just entered the “terrible twos”, that period of a child’s development when they experiment with being independent and contrary and throw tantrums.

So, while we can sympathise with the toils of being a mother—whether a demanding babe in arms needing everything done for it, or an argumentative two-year old who always wants the opposite—imagine how difficult life would be if human babies, within three days of birth, were as energetic as this little bundle of fun. Click on the video and keep an eye on the ewe’s attempt to keep up with her charge.